25th June 2024 Tuesday create task one and two three!!

WALT: skim read to locate specific information and retell.

Hi bloggers! Today I will be showing you my  create task one,

for create a task one we had to pick our fave character from our journal we are reading and then wrirte two full sentences about why you like her/him and add atleast five adjectives in your 2 sentences in your reading book.

Here is what I wrote:

My Person: YEN

sentence one: I like this character because she is a good and happy character.

sentence two: I also like this character because of her beautiful black silky hair.

I liked this create task because I enjoy adding adjectives to my sentences.

Create task two:

so for create task two we  had to watch/read the suport texts.

and then we made a copy of a brainstorm,

and then write down two facts from each text and highlight your fave one.

here it is:

I really like how you can brainstorm and write down it but its not my fave thing to do.

Create Task thrree:

for create task three we had to make a canva video,  in the canva video we had to write a summary of the journal story we picked this week.

after that we had to read out our create task one on the same  canva video.

here is m canva video:

I really like doing canva videos sometimes because we get to talk out loud on our chromebooks.

thank you for reading my blog  make your you comment down below how i can improve on my work and my blogging skills!




Create task one and two week eight

WALT: Summarise in detail in own words

hey bloggers!

today I will be showing you what I did for my create task one.

My journal I picked this week was this one about jji jitsu.

for create a task one we had to write ten  facts down in our reading books and then make a flip video and say them.

cause there is a time limit on my flip My teachers said we could also do it on Canva.

So that is what I decided to do.

here Is my Canva video:

For create a task two I had to read two pages out of my journal on a Canva video:
for create task three we had to make a kahoot planning sheet and just blog that and then make a Kahoot
here is my planning sheet!


Create task 13th June

WALT: Summarise in detail in my own words.

Hi bloggers!

Today I will be showing you my create task 1!

for create task one we had to do 10 facts about your book

then we had to make a flip video with all my facts in it.

here is my video:

For create task two we got a Kahoot planning sheet and we got 10 questions to make then we made a Kahoot if you wanna play my kahoot it is called,

Trisha’s Journal Book Kahoot create task two!!

for create task three i had to read 2 pages of the book I am reading out loud on a Canva video  here is my video!

Thank you for reading my blog, I enjoyed this weeks tasks have a great day bye!

🌸My create task one & two & 3 (arts) 🌸

WALT: reorganise information to gain an understanding of the text and wider world.

Hello bloggers today I will be showing you my create task 1 !

so for create task  1  we had to  write down  10 facts on a google doc and then we had to use those facts to create a Canva posters or video.

Here is my Google doc:

And here is my Canva video:

Create task two:

For create task two we had to make a google drawing and then create an art that is related to your book.

Then we had to make a paragraph about the art.

Here is mine:

Create task three:

for create task three we had to pick a type of art on the Christchurch Art gallery site and then make a copy of a doc, on that doc is some things to do on a Canva video or poster.

there was SO many things to write and there was not much info so I just wrote as much as possible,

I tried Really hard on this video have a look!!

thank you for reading my blog I will add my fast finishers right after I finish it!
